Monday, May 30, 2011

Finishing Up

Hey everyone,

Here is a list of things you should be doing as we wrap up our Unit of Inquiry projects:
  • Upload Application post
  • Link to G-Doc
  • Write your Analysis question (Basically answering your original guiding question)
  • Choose one of these questions for your oral interview
  • Start writing your final paragraph answering your Analysis question
Be sure to use topic sentences and details for your paragraph as well as new vocabulary. See the Criterion on your Google Doc for detail. Please leave comments if you have questions. When you are done with your paragraph:
  • Create a post called: Final Post
  • Write a brief summary of of your experience. 
  • Add a link to your Knowledge post
  • Add a link to your Comprehension post
  • Add a link to your Application post 
  • Add your Analysis paragraph 
  • Label it UOI and Final Assessment

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Things are Rolling

Hi everyone!

I am starting to get really excited about our projects for the Unit of Inquiry! All of you have come up with some great ideas and a few of you are off to a great start.  To take a look at all the project please follow this link. Add what you think you might need, and if you have any experience with a topic someone else is doing add your name to the list to help them out.Let's work together to learn.

If you are looking for some good examples for step one- Knowledge, take a look at the following posts.

Veny is learning about ballet and has written a great post with pictures to finish her first task:
  • List basics move of ballet?
  • Describe how to do it?
  • Find the meaning of three words that have to do with ballet. Also add this to your post!
  • Write a blog post.

Ivonne is making art supplies:
  • List top three or five easy home made art supplies.
  • Describe each one in two or three sentences.
  • Write a short paragraph about which one you chose and why? 

Lydia is making cupcakes:
  • List 3-5 of my favorite cupcakes
  • Describe the cupcakes that I choose
  • Name my community
  • List my communities favorite cupcakes
  • Write a paragraph about why these cupcakes relate to my community?

Finally Sharene is designing a watch!
  • Find some programs that I can use to design my watch.
  • Describe which of these sites is the easiest to use.
  • Write a paragraph about the site I will use and why. 

Do not forget to add your blog post to your Google Doc and include the Criterion you have covered.

Great job so far. But remember these are just examples NOT models. Your fist post could look very differently. You could have surveys or charts. Videos or sound.

Looking forward to where this all goes!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Setting Up The Matrix

Hello everyone,

Sorry to be out of town so early in this project, but fear not I have left great lessons with your sub. Before you get started I need you to set up what I am calling The Matrix. This is the space where we will stay in touch in regards to your project. This is not complicated and grades 6 and 8 have already done it. Follow the instructions and you should be fine.

Here is a video to show you what to do:

If you have any questions ask your friends, peers, or your teacher. Now you will work with your substitute to re-write the Criterion.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Unit of Inquiry

Hello everyone! I am very excited to be starting this new unit with you, because for the first time this year, you will be allowed to choose what you will be learning. You will no longer be allowed to say that you are bored or not interested in school, because you are choosing the topic and the assessment. I look forward to helping you learn about whatever it is you want to learn about! Let's get started with the unit over view:


Next please take this quick survey:

Finally let's head over to where most of this unit will take place. Please cut and paste everything in this document into a new document. Call it Grade-firstnameUOI (7jabizUOI)and share it with me at:

Click here to get started.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Peace Park Poetry Remix Part II

Hello again grade sevens. You have been doing a wonderful job of writing our group poem about Peace Park. You have also done a great job of recording your part and uploading it to Soundcloud. Here are the next few steps:
  1. Go to our Peace Park Poem google doc and download all the Soundcloud clips from your classmates.
  2. Arrange them however you want and in any order in Garageband.
  3. Add sound effects, music, and or anything else you think will bring it to life. Think about the mood, the feelings and the emotion of the words and how the person read it. (Remember to edit and cut long pauses.)
  4. Share to iTunes and upload to SoundCloud. 
  5. Embed the Soundcloud on your blog and write a short introduction
  6. Add the link of your new complete Peace Park Song (remix) post to the Google Doc.  
Extra credit- If you are having too much fun and don't want to stop, you can add your new song to a slideshow or video using pictures from Peace Park. 

Have fun!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Peace Park Poetry Remix

This is only for grade seven Language B students.
  1. Please go to our shared Google Doc called Sensory Language/Peace Park Poem. There you will find a section with your name on it.
  2. Please read the section and record it on Garageband. Remember to be clear, read slowly and with emotion. You are being assessed on Criterion A and B which is for oral delivery.
  3. Upload your new sound clip to Soundcloud and paste the link to the shared Google Doc.
  4. Leave any questions you have in the comments below.
This is due at the beginning of class on Friday.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Grammar Test

As you can see I am not here today, but I have left you this great test to take until I get back. Don't worry too much about passing or failing, just do your best. I want to make sure that we can move ahead. You have been doing some great work and I want to see what you have learned. Good luck.

If you finish before the class is over, please do the following:

6th grade- Make sure all your videos are posted properly. Work quietly on other work.
7th Grade- Work on your Poetry book.
8th Grade- Make sure all your videos are posted properly. Work quietly on other work.