Sunday, November 8, 2009

Year 8 English Homework

1. Finish reading Los Melones (cantaloupes)

2. On page 90 Isabel and Esperanza are talking about school. We discussed a bit in class whether you feel that school is a right or a privilege. So please write a paragraph or two- Is school a right or a privilege? Write a bit about your experiences and memories of school. Do you feel like Isabel and  find school exciting or are you like Esperanza and take it for granted.

On page 92 Esperanza talks about finding the place where her life is anchored, think about your life and the things that matter to you. You have already discussed material objects that are meaningful to you, but now I want you to think about the parts of your life that are important you. Where is your life anchored? Write a paragraph or two and post it on your blog. Don't forget to categorize your post as English, Homework, Esperanza Rising. Number one and two are Due tomorrow.

3.  There are several similes and metaphors on page 94 as Esperanza is approaching California. Please draw a picture of this scene. Pay attention to detail. Actually draw the similes, so we can see the images as described by the author. Use at least three similes. Be prepared to write the simile and paste it on your picture.  Number Three is Due on Wednesday November 11th.


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