Friday, October 22, 2010

No More He Said, She Said

As we  continue to work on your stories, I am noticing that many of you are only using the world SAID when you write dialogue. This can get really boring quickly for both you and your readers. I wanted to share with you some resources to help you find new words to use instead.

There are many sites on the Internet with lists of alternatives to using the word SAID. You can start here or here, or just google the phrase "Alternatives to Said" and see what you find.

I have taken many of these words and put them on the wall in the classroom as well, but if you want a shortcut you can always print this list out for your room.

Looking forward to reading your exciting new dialogue!

1 comment:

  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Jabiz Raisdana, Mo Sena. Mo Sena said: RT @intrepidteacher: Tell your students to stop only using the word Said! Some alternatives: [...]
